Coming this Fall.....
MOUNTAIN MOTHER MINI ALBUM!!! As we continue production on our full-length album, we are releasing one of the tracks, “Mountain Mother,”...

She is Almost Here
Since making the decision six weeks ago to change our name, we've devoted a portion of our weekly band rehearsals to engaging in...

We've decided to change our name. This decision didn't come lightly, but it did come quickly. We are four white/white-passing women who...

Life in The Booth
This past Sunday, we recorded three very powerful pieces of music for our upcoming c.d. The song "Pele" is dedicated to the Indigenous...

Medusa's Eyes
We all know the story of Medusa. She is the terrifying female creature with snakes for hair who turns good, heroic men into stone. We are...

Yesterday was another long and gratifying day in the studio. We did a combination of recording and mixing on this visit, with a lot of...

Getting Our Feet Wet
Thanks to the generous support of our community and fans, we were able to begin recording our next c.d. at Hoffmann Studios!!! We decided...

Honoring Loss, Celebrating Life
We recently provided the music for our first memorial service. Having served as musicians for sacred events in the past- liturgical...

A Workshop with Devi Vaani
Thursday was a double milestone day for us. First, we performed our most recent original piece, "Sweet Enemy" in front of an audience of...

Birthday Bash a Smash!
We are excited to announce that our 5th Birthday Fundraiser and Concert was a HUGE success! Not only were we able to raise over half the...