Happy Birthday Devi Vaani
We can hardly believe that it has been almost five years since we began making music together.
Five years ago we started our weekly rehearsals together, collaborating on one another's songs, visioning new projects and metamorphosing from individual musicians to a cohesive group. We feel truly blessed to have found one another and to be making music that sings of the innate divinity of women and all creatures. We feel equally blessed to have, over the past two years, developed a collection of songs that could fill another album. Now, we need to turn the dream of our next c.d. into a reality, and we need YOUR help to do it.
In our daily, non-musical lives, each of us is blessed to have found work that is meaningful and in alignment with our values and visions. As is all too often the case with human service and non-profit sector jobs, this work is often not that lucrative. Two of us work directly for churches- one as an activist/grant-writer and one as a property care facilitator. One of us is a high school teacher and works in the mental health field. We value the work we do and it simply does not provide sufficient funds for us to record our next c.d.
That's where you can help! We've put together an impressive (and at times, delicious) array of thank you gifts for everyone contributing to our fundraiser. Whether it's $25, $50, $250, or $1000 (hey, we gotta dream big), each donation counts beyond the monetary value it holds. It conveys the support you feel not only for us but for the values that drive our music. It supports the shift from patriarchal systems of oppression to liberating ways of love and interconnection that we help sing into being with our songs.
We've been working hard, not only on developing our music, but on creating valuable gifts to share with you in thanks for your contributions toward our recording project. One of the most exciting gifts (and the most accessible in terms of donations) is the creation of our own home-made, amateur-recorded COVER C.D. We've been singing cover songs for as long as we've been singing together and many of them have become often requested favorites, such as Leonard Cohen's classic “Hallelujah,” the Wailing Jennys' brilliant acapella “Bright Morning Stars” and Christina Perri's moving love song “A Thousand Years.” We've added a few new ones to the mix and can't wait to share them all with you. We will be officially releasing this c.d. at our Birthday Party and Concert on Saturday February 10th. This is a limited edition c.d. that is not available for purchase. The only way to get your copy is by donating to our fundraiser, either at our Birthday Party or through the fundraiser page on our website.
At our Birthday Celebration, we will be offering champagne, cake and music- including many songs from our cover c.d. and new songs that we are raising the funds to record. We'll probably play one or two old favorites as well. We hope you will join us!