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Beltane Women's Music Festival

Sunday May 1st 2022

Moon Mothers Nursery

401 Prospect Way Half Moon Bay

Fire Show


Beltane means "bright fire." It is a Celtic, pagan holiday celebrating the time of year when Earth energies are at their strongest, at the midway point between Spring and Summer.

Fire, light, fertility, growth and the abundant goodness of Mother Nature are all

themes associated with Beltane. What better way to celebrate these energies

than with an abundance of women's voices and instruments in a beautiful,

coast-side nursery space overflowing with vibrant plants and colorful flowers.

See below for schedule and details.

The Venue


At Moon Mothers Nursery, you can walk the sacred labyrinth or find a new

plant friend to take home with you. Bring your picnic lunch and settle in a pretty spot

amidst the flowers while the music plays. Or come into Emerging Space Greenhouse where there will be seating available to watch the performers.

You must be vaccinated to enter the greenhouse.

Beltane Schedule.jpg
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